Sydney Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, officially launched Sirius to a record crowd of supporters.
The event was generously supported by Kinokuniya, with Managing Director Kawai-san welcoming guest to the store.
Guest included:
- Jack & Judy Mundey, to whom the book is dedicated.
- Myra Demetriou, Sirius resident
- Tao Gofers, Architect of Sirius
- Alex Greenwich, Member for Sydney
- Penny Sharpe, Shadow Minister for Heritage
- Jess Scully, City of Sydney Councillor
- Phillip Thalis, Architect, City of Sydney Councillor
- Save Our Sirius members including chairperson Shaun Carter.
See more photos of the launch here.
Save Our Sirius would like to thank everyone who made the night a success including:
- Kinokuniya and their generous and friendly staff including Kim Hungerford and Valerie Wong.
- Young Henrys – for providing drinks.
- Ben Guthrie – for again offering his time and skill to photograph Save Our Sirius events.
- All the contributing photographers, artists, and writers who helped us make such a wonderful book.
Main Image: Jess Scully, Amiera Piscopo, Ben Peake, Clover Moore, Philip Thalis, and John Dunn pose for a photo with the freshly launched Sirius. Photo: Jack Begbie.
Above: SOS Members: Shaun Carter, Amiera Piscopo, John Dunn, Ben Peake, with Sirius architect Tao Gofers. Photo: Ben Guthrie
Above: Amiera with friends and supporters of Save Our Sirius. Photo: Ben Guthrie