Five years after its closure and sale in 2019, the Sirius building on Sydney Harbour remains one of Australia's best known social housing sites and examples of Brutalist architecture. Emptied of its long-time residents and sold by the NSW then-Liberal government for a pitiful $150 million and views never to be built out, the efforts to save Sirius continue to resonate.
This article covers the new Sirius, which will be adapted from the original by Phillip Rossington, a principal with BVN – which won a design competition to adapt the building. He says his firm took on the project only because of a commitment by developer JDH Capital to save the building.
Ben Peake, who worked on the Save Our Sirius campaign and cowrote a book on the fight, said he hoped to be able to “see past what society did” and appreciate the architecture.
Read the full Sydney Morning Herald Article.